A safety leader guiding his team in industrial area to handle heavy equipment.

Excel As a Safety Leader with the 5 C’s of Workplace Safety

While putting together an exciting agenda for our company’s annual all-employee meeting held every December, we focused on how to share more of the learnings from our new book, Building a Strong Safety Culture: The 5 C’s of Workplace Safety.

Instead of starting with the book, however, we went in a different direction. Our team watched a 56-minute video called, Remember Charlie, where a refinery worker describes his journey from death’s door following an explosion from a shortcut he took at his job and the long-term cost of the accident—some 30 years later. 

Over the past three decades, millions of people have also watched this video. And regardless of how many times our team has seen it, it still has a significant impact on them. 

The story of what Charlie, his family, friends and co-workers went through affected everyone deeper than they could have anticipated. Pain, grief, depression and outright disastrous outcomes for so many. And, unfortunately, all of it was avoidable.  

Remembering the 5 C’s of Workplace Safety

Charlie’s journey leads us back to the 5 C’s book. At OECS, our mission has always been to inspire strong safety cultures that keep employees returning home safe, and watching his story again solidified one fundamental fact for us:

As safety professionals, it is our responsibility to inspire our clients to improve their safety every chance we get! Because as Remember Charlie clearly demonstrates, there is too much at stake.

Understanding the 5 C’s 

The 5 C’s of safety offers each safety leader a fresh, new framework for building and improving a safety culture in the workplace. And they will help any leader willing to improve, regardless of where they are in their mindset—at the beginning of the safety journey, looking for answers or at the top of their game—and those who want to ensure complacency doesn’t creep in. 

The 5 C’s go as follows:

  • Commitment
  • Compliance
  • Culture
  • Champions
  • Costs

Our clients often tell us the 5 C’s book resonates with them, inspiring each one to take action. It’s packed with meaningful stories, a framework for building a strong safety culture and ideas they can apply immediately to their companies—not to mention an easy read that will bring a high return on investment for the few hours you put into it!

Want to Learn More About the 5 C’s?

Join us for our upcoming webinar on February 15th, 2023, at 11 a.m. CST or watch the video afterward. Registration is free! During the webinar, we’ll discuss each of the 5 C’s and how you can leverage them to improve your safety culture. 

In addition, you’ll quickly discover how commitment, compliance, culture, champions and costs come into play as you learn more about this strategy from renowned safety consultants.

Download our flier for more information and to share with other safety leaders you know.

If you’d like to receive a free copy of our book, we have limited quantities available. Let Tim know, or you can purchase one now from Amazon.

Our Safety Consultants in Action

Some of our clients have asked us to visit their teams and put on a session covering the book. As a result, we have designed a 4-hour live session that includes, The 5 C’s Playbook, which helps drive a highly-interactive session customized to your business and is guaranteed to provide specific next steps that both your company and team members can implement. 

We highly recommend this session for safety committees and leadership teams. To learn more about this live session, contact us today! Also, be sure to browse our other safety consulting services and training solutions

It’s In Your Court!

With over 30 years in the safety business, we’ve had the opportunity to work with many great safety leaders and, unfortunately, many bad ones. The fine line that often separates the two is those who want to stay committed to keeping their teams safe, invest the time to learn how to do it and provide the spark to build the necessary momentum—and those who don’t.

So, tell us. How do you want to be remembered? As a safety leader who invests the time it takes to learn how to foster a safe workplace environment or someone who “could” have avoided a hazard situation from occurring with the right tools, resources and mindset?


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