OECS book

Book: Building a Strong Safety Culture

The 5 C’s of Workplace Safety

By Tim Sheehan, Chris Naylor and the OSHA+ Environmental Compliance Systems (OECS) Team

Have you been designated “safety leader” for your company? Or are you a senior manager seeking a way to significantly improve your company’s safety record? Perhaps your company is reeling from a recent safety disaster, and you’re looking for a way to make sure something similar never happens again. In that case, we have a workplace safety book for you.

Tim Sheehan and Chris Naylor are proud owners of OSHA+ Environmental Compliance Systems – OECS. Working with their staff of passionate and highly experienced safety professionals, they’ve formulated a simple safety framework to produce this workplace safety book called The 5 C’s of Workplace Safety. This framework has been used successfully to help hundreds of their clients discover a way to think about, engage with and improve the safety of their companies.

In this book on safety culture, you won’t find dry regulations and procedures. Instead, you’ll find stories and insights OECS has collected over the years. The book demonstrates safety principles and the repercussions of not planning and working toward better safety in every aspect of an operation. That’s followed by clear guidance on how to improve safety in your company using the 5 C’s of Workplace Safety.

The OECS mission is to inspire strong safety cultures that keep employees returning home safe. The 5 C’s of Safety will offer insight and proven principles to help you do just that!

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Book Resources

In the book, Building a Strong Safety Culture – the 5 C’s of Workplace Safety, OECS offers to share resources and more information pertinent to certain chapters. Below are valuable links to learn more so that in addition to the book, you have additional workplace safety resources at your disposal.

Fall Protection

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Lockout Death Story

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Racking Death Story

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Why Safety Is Important

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The 5 C’s of Safety Webinar

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The 5 C’s Framework

See Attached PDF

Great Versus Bad Safety Leadership

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How to Integrate Safety Into Everything You Do

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Our Proven Process

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Learn More About The Book Safety 24/7

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The Business Case for Safety

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