Don’t have time to prepare or plan for annual training?
Let OECS help! Save your date with no money down. Let OECS provide a customized safety day.
Please complete the form and return it to Kasey Clowe.
Topics include:
- AWAIR/Risk Management
- Back Injury Prevention
- Basic Electrical Safety
- Basic Level Rigging
- Basic Crane Signaling
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Confined Space
- Earthmoving Equipment/ Motor Vehicles
- Emergency Action Plans
- Employee MN Right-To-Know/ Hazard Communication (required annually in MN)
- Fall Protection
- Fall Protection w/Hands-On
- Fire Prevention
- Hand & Power Tool Safety
- Hearing Conservation
- Heat Stress
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Respiratory Protection
- Scaffolding Safety
- Scaffolding w/Hands-On
- Silica Awareness
- Subpart X – Ladders
- Trenching & Excavating
- Safety-related Questions
- OSHA Support
- All Your Training Needs
- Proposal for Service