Environmental Compliance Consulting Services

Understanding Complex Environmental Compliance Regulations

Both federal and state environmental laws are increasingly complex, causing greater reporting requirements coupled with aggressive enforcement. Our environmental compliance consultants handle many of these regulations for companies, saving them time and money.

When you choose environmental compliance services from OECS, you have a partner by your side to help you navigate changing rules and regulations. Our experts aim to help you:

  • Build a better reputation for green business practices
  • Improve financial outcomes by avoiding fines
  • Create a safer, more environmentally-friendly work environment
  • Strengthen the relationship between your business and the surrounding community

Achieve Environmental Excellence with OECS Environmental Compliance Consulting Services

Many companies have an Environmental Management System Program (EMSP) to deal with the various ISO type requirements such as certification, recertification, and required audits. We can help you develop an EMSP to incorporate the “Green Issues” the ISO 14001 standard addresses, but without going through the ISO 14001. A growing number of clients are looking at vendors that demonstrate a “green” program is in place – we can help make that happen with our environmental compliance services.



OECS, Your Environmental Compliance Specialist

Connect with our expert staff to learn more about the environmental compliance consulting services we provide in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North and South Dakota. We offer free, no-pressure phone consultations. Book your consultation today!

Our Environmental Compliance Consulting Services in Detail

If your company disposes of a “listed chemical” or a waste with hazardous waste characteristics, you need to comply with the hazardous waste rules. Our environmental compliance consultants assist with Hazardous Waste Rules compliance. Consider a hazardous waste audit to determine if your company is in compliance.

SARA is an acronym for The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act.

SARA 302/304: SARA 302 outlines requirements if an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) at a facility is in a quantity greater than or equal to the established Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ). An example is ammonia. Any facility that stores any EHS in amounts greater than the TPQ for any one day must file SARA 302/304 reports with several agencies. An extensive Emergency Response Plan (SARA 304) is required on how your company will respond to a chemical release.

SARA 311/312 –The purpose of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) is to let the state and the local emergency planning commission know you have significant amounts of hazardous materials stored at your site. OECS environmental compliance consultants provide onsite evaluation for reporting.


SARA 313 – The Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Forms “R” or “A” are data oriented and time consuming reports. These require an onsite evaluation of listed materials that indicates how much was used and where it went. It is likely you will need a Pollution Prevention Plan (another regulatory requirement). Our workplace safety staff provides onsite TRI reviews, calculations, and periodic regulatory filing.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Regulations require a company to control Storm Water contact discharges to minimize water runoff pollution entering our waterways. Regulated parties must develop storm water pollution prevention plans using engineering and best practices.

OECS’s professional environmental compliance specialists help with Storm Water Site Permits. We develop written programs, conduct employee training, establish inspection requirements, and assist in the annual reporting and periodic re-permitting.

The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure regulations (SPCC) require facilities using oil products to establish an SPCC plan when it could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in harmful quantities into or upon navigable waters. In addition, the SPCC plan may require certification by a professional engineer, periodic facility inspections, and training. Many industries need to comply with the SPCC regulations.

OECS assists in SPCC onsite evaluations and provides SPCC certification assistance, programs, and employee training.

NESHAP The National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants regulations are also known as NESHAP. This is an EPA emissions standard that identifies listed chemicals that are considered Hazardous Air Pollutants, such as Trichloroethylene used in a vapor degreaser.

OECS’s environmental compliance consulting services can provide the required periodic reporting and annual training to help you meet environmental compliance standards and regulations.

Air-Permitting requires a company having an emission source (e.g, a paint spray booth) to track emit VOCs and HAPs. OECS can assist companies in complying with the Air Permit Regulations such as Options A, B, C, and D. We evaluate the “potential to emit”, develop compliance programs with periodic training, and provide periodic compliance reporting. We are involved in Title V permit issues as well.

OECS environmental staff assists in compliance with the Above Ground Storage Tank regulations, facility diagrams, diking, reporting requirements, and tank registration.

Environmental Compliance Audit and checklist. We assess your environmental compliance systems to determine if all requirements of regulatory agencies are being met.


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Contact OECS for timely and professional solutions to workplace safety questions, issues, hazards, or concerns. Our safety consultants are available 24/7 to ensure your safety needs are met.


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