Each spring organizations across the nation hold many safety campaigns. The organizations host different events in coordination with the topic they are raising awareness for. April is the start for many road construction projects, so it is natural to have a National Work Zone Awareness Week. The construction industry tends to ramp up in the spring, so we see a national emphasis related to construction sites each month from spring through summer. To honor those workers who have lost their lives due to a workplace injury or illness, each year on April 28, the nation recognizes Workers’ Memorial Day. A day to reflect the loss of workers and the impact it makes on their families and communities.
The return of spring brings warmer days, birds chirping and orange cones and road construction. April 26-30 is National Work Zone Awareness Week. This annual campaign encourages safe driving through all work zones and is a reminder to use extra caution in work zones, such as putting down cell phones, concentrating, and following posted speed limits. Construction workers’ lives depend on it! For more information on this year’s annual campaign, read more here.
April 26, 2021 is National Stand-Down to Prevent Struck-By Incidents in work and lift zones. Struck-by incidents are the leading cause of death among construction workers, according to the Center for Construction Research and Training, and the leading cause of nonfatal injuries in the construction industry. The four most common struck-by hazards are being struck by a flying, falling, swinging or rolling object. National Stand-Down safety campaigns take place all spring and summer. For a list of events and initiatives scheduled throughout the day you can read more here.
Annually on April 28, we honor those workers who have lost their lives due to a workplace injury or illness. We encourage all workers to renew their commitment to workplace safety and health practices. To download the 2021 Workers Memorial Day Toolbox Kits and Posters, visit ALFICO or OSHA.
OECS is proud to work beside our clients to offer a variety of safety services. If you have a need for growing your safety culture or need a resource, reach out to us at 763-417-9599 or contact us today. If you have questions on a safety campaign or how OECS could assist with your event, please reach out!