MSHA Safety Training

Your Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Safety Training Consultants in Minnesota, Fargo, Sioux Falls and Wisconsin

Our MSHA safety training is about getting hands-on, at your location of choice—in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Fargo and Sioux Falls areas—at a date/time most convenient for you. We believe that a customized training experience for your company increases real learning for the participants and ultimately will lead to a safer work environment in ways generic training can’t.

Having an on-site MSHA expert work with your team, share real-life stories, and answer your questions in real-time is what sets OECS training experience apart. When you partner with OECS, you add predictability to your mining operations with impactful MSHA safety training.

What’s Unique About OECS MSHA Safety Training and Support

As with all our safety clients, we customize your mine safety training and audits to be site/hazard specific to your location. Years of experience has taught us that the generic approach does not work. Active miners and outside contractors need an instructor who understands your business —customizing the content and message to your operations—to provide quality MSHA safety training. This is where OECS excels.

About Our MSHA Mine Safety Training Experts

Is your company in need of MSHA safety training or support? The OECS team has the expertise and credentials to provide you with effective MSHA safety services!

Our MSHA expert consultants for mine safety training have worked in surface and underground mines, conducting inspections, accident investigations, and enforcement action when needed.

Tim Peterson has been an MSHA Trainer for Part 46 for over 20 years. This includes conducting hundreds of annual trainings, site inspections, and testing for air quality/noise levels. Tim is a 25-plus years safety expert with a CHST certification.

MSHA Safety Training Services We Offer Include:

MSHA Part 46

  • New Miner Training:
    24 Hours
  • Annual refresher training:
    8 Hours

MSHA Part 48.5

  • Underground new miner training:
    40 Hours
  • Underground experienced miner training:
    8 Hours
  • Underground annual refresher:
    8 Hours

MSHA Part 48.25

  • Surface new miner training:
    24 Hours
  • Surface experienced miner training:
    8 Hours
  • Surface annual refresher:
    8 Hours

Site Inspections

We will inspect your location through the eyes of a past MSHA Inspector. This experience includes:

  • Identify hazards including machine guarding, lockout/tagout, highwall, traffic patterns, berms, roadways, signage, and more.
  • Complete written report with pictures, prioritizing hazards by severity
  • Recommended corrective actions for your team to immediately improve safety
  • 24 / 7 / 365 phone support


Contact Us for MSHA Safety Training

Contact OECS for mine safety training, timely and professional solutions to workplace safety questions, issues, hazards, or concerns. Our mine safety training consultants—in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Fargo and Sioux Falls areas— are available 24/7 to ensure your safety needs are met.

Contact Us


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